Swaroop's website

Human Computer Interaction

Within HCI, I specifically look at,

  1. Interaction Modelling - Interaction is a technical concept that can be optimized towards being human-centered. Employing formal methods in modeling these interactions could be helpful, as they provide a rigorous, mathematical framework for capturing and analyzing the various aspects of user/computer behaviors. Formal Methods facilitate the identification of critical parameters and enable the optimization of the requisite performance metrics for human-centered interaction.
  2. Design Methods - Design, in contrast to art, is characterized by a more structured or formal approach. Design methods are crucial as they provide a framework that guides the creation of products, services, or user experiences. These methods ensure that the products, services are not just aesthetically pleasing but functional, user-centered, and aligned with the intended motivation.
  3. Design Fiction - Design Fiction, as Bruce Sterling suggests, is the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief about change. Just as science fiction has evolved to become a backdrop upon which we interpret emerging realities, design fiction is increasingly recognized as a speculative framework for shaping the future of design. This approach allows designers to explore hypothetical scenarios and future technologies, such as VR & AI, by envisioning their societal, ethical implications and potential (mis)uses.